Wednesday 18 January 2012

Georgina Edmund's Case- The Jury retire

I went to court again today for what was rather a boring day as the jury for the Georgina Edmund's case had heard nearly all of the summary yesterday. Therefore today it didn't start till after 1pm and we were in the gallery for no longer than 10 minutes as we heard the last few points of the Summary.  

This trial has been going on for 3 months where Matthew Hamlen 33 from Bishopstoke had allegedly gone to  77 year old Mrs Edmund's house and tortured her for her bank card pin number before using a rolling pin to murder her. All through the trial Hamlen has denied murder.

Hamlen's defence told the court that the prosecution case was circumstantial and there was no direct evidence he was the killer. However the Jury were told there was a forensic DNA link to Hamlen from the rolling pin handle. 

The 11 jurors were left to deliberate and were in no rush as told by the Judge. He also said that he was looking for the jury to come to an overall decision of either GUILTY or NOT GUILTY and only if this took a long time to achieve would he consider a majority vote.

During the rest of my time at the court waiting around to hear what was happening in the Georgina Edmund's case I sat in on yet another murder trial which had began last week. As the trial had only just began it was hard to understand what had happened as I only sat in on the main witness giving her statement to the court of what she heard and saw out of her bedroom window at the time that a man had been murdered. All she explained was that she had been woken up by a bang in the middle of the night looked out of her window and seen a young man lying on the floor with blood around him and a bottle beside him.


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