Wednesday 29 February 2012

My 2 minute radio bulletin

Story 1- Plans for a new school in Winchester City to tackle a shortage of places has been revealed by the County Council. 

The idea is the Westgate secondary school would become a school for pupils aged 4-16, making it the first county- run combined primary and secondary school in Hampshire. 

I spoke to Ian Tait, a local councillor to find out more about the proposal. (interview)

Story 2- Uk retail sales rose by 0.9% in January compared with December according to national statistics. 

Economists expected sales to drop but a report showed shoppers were tempted by steep discounts. (vox pox)

Story 3- Suggestions from the leader of the UKs biggest union that workers could strike during the London Olympics have been criticised by political leaders. 

Len Mccluskey, of unite told The Guardian that civil disobedience could be timed to disrupt the 2012 games.

 Both Ed Milliband and David Cameron stated that any threat made to the Olympic Games is unacceptable and unpatriotic. 

Story 4- A 16 year old boy has died after being hit on the head with a hard ball at a Dorset School. 

Kyle Rees was hurt at Porchester School in Bournemouth on Monday and died after being transferred to Southampton General hospital. 

And finally.. The world record for human mattress domino toppling has been broken in the United States. 

There were 850 people in total taking part in the the event in New Orleans. 

A guinness world record representative was on site to judge the event.


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