Thursday 2 February 2012

WINOL 2/2/12

The new style of the WINOL deep voice over as the programme begins is similar to that of the ITV news which I think makes the opening of the programme more professional. I also like the montage of images used as once the introduction of the stories has taken place. 
This weeks WINOL seemed to appear a bit too long with a lot of different stories mentioned that didn't all seem to flow as well as they usually do. However there were also a lot of stories such as the Sainsbury's in Portswood and the Winchester Freshers Week that are current and local and affect the audience.
Something that didn't come across as professional was the bit of paper on screen where the reporter kept looking down to reel off all different facts and figures instead of engaging with the audience. I think these figures could have been taken out as there were a lot to take in but also a mid shot/ close up should have been used so the piece of paper was hidden. I liked the establishing shots that were used of the Sainsbury's being built in Portswood as they really emphasised what the story was saying. The Winchester Freshers Week was a good story to use on WINOL as it affects its main target audience.  However the report from the University appeared to be a little bright which made it harder to see the reporter.

I thought having quotes put on the screen via text as well as being read out from a voice over were effective as the audience can see and take in what has been said. However the chancellor's on screen text couldn't be read clearly as it was in a white font that was positioned on a light background image. 

The court reporting was one of my favourite stories this week as it is local and interesting. I especially enjoyed the construction of the scene which really helped the audience understand what happened. The only criticism for the court report was the fact that when explaining what the offence had been etc I felt it wasn't as clear as it could have been.

The introduction to the sport this week I felt was a bit sloppy with the news reader not really getting to the point of what he was trying to say. The reporting itself was as usual clear and consistent updating all fans with the local sport. One thing that did come to my mind was the ice hockey reporting and weather it needed to be this long? I wondered weather there are many people that do follow the ice hockey compared to the football fixtures. The interview from the football player however worked well after the match! 

It was a shame the ending of WINOL was less professional with the stuttering however it was a good first WINOL FOR 2012!


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