Saturday 3 March 2012

WINOL 29/02/12

The stories featured in Winol this week were ideal as they were local stories that can effect people nationally eventually. The news reader was good this week as he spoke in a clear voice at a steady space that allowed the viewer to understand everything he is saying. He also appeared to be relaxed and gave good eye contact to the camera which gives a more personal feel to the audience. In the first story I liked the footage of the sheep during the first story about the disease especially as it gave a warning to viewers about parts of the footage including a dead lamb. I also liked the idea of the map that showed where in the country the disease was at its worst.

The footage used to set the scene of the county council cuts was a good idea however I think it would have been more effective if the image was clearer. The shot of the reporter as he is walking towards the camera could have been above waist height as the movement of his hands may distract the viewer from what he is saying. I enjoyed the footage of the running water and the hand turning on the tap when the story about the local water was being introduced it set the scene and allowed the audience to gain an understanding about what the story was about.

I enjoyed the reconstruction on the court reporting again and I think this should be something that is used to demonstrate the type of offence the accused has committed. It also makes it more entertaining for a court report other than the usual court background scene that is used.

This week all of the sport seemed to last quite a long time which I think may lose some of the audiences interest. The hockey shows nearly every goal (and there are a lot of goals) which I don't think is needed. I also think the Eastleigh football game appeared to be rushed at the end with no overall score being presented on the screen. I was also wondering weather words such as 'wrestled' and 'bundled' when describing tackles is needed as I think it may be more efficient to just use the word 'fouled'.

Overall though I did find WINOL interesting and enjoy finding out stories about the local area. I specifically like the people that are interviewed for the stories as they are all people that are linked to that specific story. The Dancing on Ice story was interesting for everyone as this news may not have been known to locals. However I have failed to understand the link with the headline 'thin ice' at the beginning of the programme.


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