Thursday 14 March 2013

Existentialism Seminar

Existentialism- ‘The Stranger’ Seminar
This was the approach to find value and meaning in the absurd world. The idea is that God is dead by Nietzsche and that there is no universal human nature. Choice is a crucial in existentialism  and shows a rejection of Kant.

Dasein is how we engage with the world and is Heidegger response to the Cartesian Dualism. Dasein must exist in the world as it is essentially ‘being in the world’. We are not defined by our characteristics that we are born with. Elements of being cannot change such as our facticity where we are thrown into the world. The Dasein is a social construct of our self that is not our true self and the way we want to be. We need to try and over come our social construct of our self.

Our next choice is the most important choice we make according to existentialism. We should always move forward and try not to look back into the past. Existence precedes essence says Sartre and the choice to create our purpose. We have to make choices in life that allow us to re create ourselves. This idea creates fear in people and is seen as bad faith. The metaphysical mistake is denial and is radical freedom. ‘Hell is other people’ is a key quote in Sartre’s play ‘No Exit’.

In The Stranger there are brief moments where the main character is considering other peoples thoughts but chooses his own decision at the end of it. This is a existentialist view where they have no consideration of anyone else’s feelings and are just thrown into the world. There is a key moment where he is asked whether he loves Marie and he simply says ‘It doesn’t mean anything but I don’t think so’. This says that he does not believe in personal relationships and doesn’t understand the relevance of them. He simply sees it as bad faith and doesn’t let anyone else influence him.

He ignores the desires and opinions of others such as when he is on death row and refuses to speak to the Chaplin as he is not religious. Some people would find peace and be comforted by this idea but he is his own person and shows no despair about anything.

He didn’t even show any emotion over his mothers death and ignores the outside world and how is he supposed to feel. He believes in himself and stands to his opinion. If existence is pointless why should he lie to prolong his existence and life that he has to create a purpose for.

From an Existentialist point of view he lived an authentic life and didn’t care about anyone or his actions. He does what he wants and takes on having to adapt to life on death row and doesn’t care.

Existentialism will always end up with punishment as it does not follow  a legal system, morals or laws. You basically just act on your own instinct and not care about punishment or what will happen to you if you do something wrong. The future doesn’t exist as it is all about the choice you make in a particular moment.

The future for Heidegger is an illusion where you are put into the world via throwness with fear. The idea of looking back to the past is based on guilt. Its advised not to feel guilty as it doesn’t achieve anything. It serves no purpose and is merely a reminder of an action you made in the past.

In society we are shaped by our morals as we have to pay taxes which give money to the army to kill people. Existentialism wouldn’t care about this as they would say you do what you want.


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