Thursday 7 March 2013

United States 1950s-Today

United States 1950s until now
Economics- Keynes- things you need can be made by robots within seconds such as food. Culture exhaustion and tiredness every need is satisfied and problems dealt with, a problem free society. Problems such as famine, war, disease, famine need to be dealt with. The new industrial estate machine (system) satisfies anything that can be seen as a human need. This makes us a lot richer than anyone from previous years due to the way we live nowadays such as travelling and technology.

There is mass unemployment as everything is made cheaply and it is hard to make profit from anything anymore. Everything used to be made by hand whereas today it is made by machines or cheaply by people in the third world. The Olympics is a prime example of getting the unemployed back into jobs as it was a large event that needed many people to make it happen.

Vince Cable- Keynesian a politician who studied Keynes at University.

Max Weber was first person to look at bureaucracy which is where there are many sources of power such as economic power. He talks about charisma as a source of bureaucratic power such as Obama and Nelson Mandela. Legal routine authority and constant reference to other lawyers implement the system of rules which bureaucracy takes place and is the most important.

Karl Marx failed in economics as he didn’t cover much political philosophy. He wrote about economics classically like Adam Smith about the free market and efficiency, wages and how to make them more efficient which the factories are at now.  Wages have now been pushed down by competition but people working for a low wage know that people from other countries will come in and do the job for even less. Eventually everyone will become so poor making clothing they cant afford to buy their own stuff and it will all crash. But this problem was not spotted by Marx in his theories.

Keynes said you need to go to these third world countries with a lot of money to keep them over there and not come to where the money is. This will lead to an overflow of population and even greater job losses. They will stop this crisis by allowing people to have credit or government spending to buy the things they need to buy which can defer the problem. Keynes thinks we should always just print money but didn’t take into account the problem of inflation that can still be controlled.

The depression is where Capitalism ended and the economy collapsed in the 1930’s in mass unemployment. Most people went into the army which created jobs for the men and allowed women to take over and work back at home in the jobs that were left. It used to be that individual people owning factories and coal mines instead of  large factories that are attached to the bureaucracy and controlled by the government.

Communism took on a concrete form in Eastern Europe and is still the system that is in place in China. Central planning of everything is key and is where you plan everything through having a committee. It works out through statistics and amount of people when and how much of items we will need (State Socialist Planning).

1950s was the era of American prosperity where Keynes is the great God. Neo-classical economics is a museum piece or rhetorical only or a laughing stock particularly on monetary policy. But a critique of the ‘managed’ society saw a new form of ‘soft’ totalitarianism. The Keynesian consensus was attacked from both the left and the right.

The far left was Heidegger and Sartre and saw American civilisation as a Weber a country ruled by bureaucrats ‘bureaucratic technological (robots replace people in manufacturing things) militaristic (answer to the Keynesian problem vast amount of money spent on military) nihilism (people that do not believe in anything but they say they believe in things as it is convenient).’ The left was Maoism, the third world-ism, ecology, feminism, anti-globalisation and the green movement.

The third world-ism is:

America were the 1st world holds power and is super developed
2nd world-
3rd World –China, Africa, Brazil is exploited by the 1st world in terms of development. This world will rise up in the future and overtake the western civilisation.

Right consists of radical disintegration, cultural decadence, economic parasitism, loss of national identity, economic decline of the West. Heidegger says it is a death machine with no future, culture and cannot produce music. All it does produce is ‘trash’ all of the time such as waste material that cannot be disposed of as well as pop and films that are ‘trash’ where nothing works.

Existentialists are highly committed to things in their politics and religion. If they believe in a religion they will feel strongly about its beliefs and values. They invest a purpose of their life that they can fulfil.

Conspiracy theories (the crazy people) need to be avoided. The Elite people all share the same outlook, education and training so they all believe in the same thing. They used to tell the people what they wanted to hear even if it is not what they are going to do as society cannot be ran by the public but everything will work out. The last thing these people want is democracy.

America are run by the Elite who are clever and do know what they are doing. The Liberal Elite are cleverer than most people in society so know how to run the country well and are trained.

The aim of the system run by the Elite is pragmatic, violent and is decaying from within as the Elite will have trouble replacing itself and values. Heidegger said it is a nihilistic ‘technological-bureaucratic system.

Conspiracy theories have a grain of truth in them in terms of there being interlocking bureaucracies. Interlocking complex relationships with the newspapers and televisions can be a ‘false reality’ and give off a ‘false consciousness’ of the reality. The media is important in forming the Elite and mind control on the public such as the legacy of George Orwell in 1984 and the actuality of the attempted mind control by Goebbels.

Economic criticism of the managed society starts with Hayek who was the first person to criticise the orthodox and controlling the money supply by allowing things to be ran by the free market. He believes that we need a objective value of measuring things and should go back to the American Revolution and the way of things back then.

The nationalist imperialist Hegelian right wing, believe it is too late and nothing can now be saved. Europe is doomed and Western Civilisation is over and cannot be saved. They think that only a God could save them now.

Vietnam: Apocalypse Now (film version of The Golden Bough)

1.     Joseph Conrad, heart of the darkness
2.     Anthropology- reveals the essential irrationality of man, rejection of Rousseau (noble savage civilisation corrupts people) and Marx. It is the view of the prehistoric human nature. The true human is a violent Schopenhauerian monster murder and the human female exists solely to reproduce.
3.     Frazer- The Golden Bough- the high priest of Nemi; and the observed behaviour of other apes (patriarchy, rape of all the females by the dominant male, murder of the dominant male by the subordinate males- this is the ‘real human nature’. It is how property gets passed down generations via the male that dominate. In the film Kurtz at the end has two books- The Bible and the Golden Bough. Fazer went round the world collecting religious beliefs from different tribes and people. A version of The Golden Bough is found in every continent. This idea of male control was observed in Apes but is a necessary concern of human progress in biological terms. The healthiest and fittest males are needed to inseminate women and have around two children in a state of nature as most of them will die.
4.     Vietnam- the first entirely ‘bureaucratic technological’ war fought by economists and bureaucrats known as the ‘automated death machine;. The end of the age of the nation state; the defeat of the US; end of the age of the enlightenment in Heidegger terms. Not merely a set back but a complete malfunction of the civilisation.

Apocalypse Now is a 1979 American war film set during the Vietnam War, directed and produced byFrancis Ford Coppola. The film follows the central character, U.S Army special operations officer Captain Benjamin L.Willard (Sheen) on a mission to kill the renegade and presumed insane U.S. Army Special Forces Colonel Walter. E Kurtz (Brando).


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