Monday 13 May 2013

WINOL review: end February- beginning March

WINOL held a very successful Eastleigh 'big live show' based on the election. We had complaints from the Tori party and Ross England ( as well as Brine) as they wanted more positive publicity. To over come this we gave him his own column on the website which got lots of hits and increased our viewing figures. However complaints in journalism is a good thing as long as we are abiding by the law and being fair which we believed we were.

Our studio looked very professional with the television in the background displaying 'The South Decides' graphics which were brilliantly presented and along with the music and sound. The live streaming of each party was also very effective and gave each party a chance to be fairly represented. We had teams all over Flemming Park where we were able to get live interviews and follow what was happening.

The pre recorded packages leading up to the vote was really good. It was really clear and had a professional voice over. It also covers each party very fairly and in detail to inform the audience on what each party has to offer. The footage of Cameron and his visits as well as the Boris Johnson interview were very professional and exclusive to WINOL similar to the big broadcasters.

I liked the package that followed the story of the election unfolding in the newspapers that would update the audience if they weren't aware of what was happening. It was like a wrap of from 5-6 reporters WINOL packages previously that simplified the story for everyone to watch. The in studio interviews were relevant and put across opinions that would be interest to the public as they were recognisable faces such as councillors.

There was an OB failure when they were trying to gather them on location and it took a lot of hours to update however failed when trying to get them over to the studio via Skype. There were no sockets to plug in to on location so we had to rely on batteries only. There was a problem when technology crashed as it meant people in the studio were worrying about the OBs rather than the script which suffered slightly. However due to the amount of pre recorded, good quality packages, the programme didn't suffer obviously and still was a great success. We learnt from that we need to go to the location beforehand and trial and test out all of the equipment.

When recording pieces to camera we need to make sure that we pause and do not speak to fast as this can be very hard to edit. Similarly if a mistake is made we need to pause and then re start again to make it quick and easy to re edit out. We were professional with the amount of equipment we took including 2 ipads, mics, cables, webcams, 2 laptops etc.  We couldn't get sound on the ipads so we resulted to using 3G on the iphone. All back ups stopped and everything started to skip. The wi fi was also bad at the location which meant that we had to plug in all of the time and had to use webcams which we cannot rely on as the sound wasn't very good on the ipad. This is another technical issue that needs to be trialed and tested on location beforehand.

The packages were all really strong and were planned before the event highlighting our professional way of preparation. The planning of the shows was very good even though the second show was harder to plan for as we weren't sure what time the result would be announced. We planned extra to overcome this and make sure we had enough to put out across the night. The presenters were very good and improvised well when problems occurred to carry the show along.

This package received over 500 views of which some were over 20 minutes long. Our Alexa ranking increased from 365,000 in the UK rising to top 10,000 a 60% increase in the months viewing figures. The radio show debate between two parties was effective. The peace party and other interviews as well as announcing the result on air was planned well. They didn't run out of material and carried out a very detailed and effective radio show. The packages were cut due to the result but this showed that it was a live show the way they went over to the location  and back to the studio etc.


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