The case of Joanna Yates has been ongoing since Christmas 2011 and lately has made it into the main headlines regularly. Joanna Yates was reported missing by her boyfriend Greg Reardon when he returned home from a night out in Bristol on the 19th of December. At around 4:15 am the next day Reardon and a police officer knocked on the flat next door to ask Tabak if he knew of anything. He appeared 'relatively calm' and told police he knew nothing about Yeates disappearance. Reardon grew increasingly worried about his girlfriend, Tabak was carrying out research on her disappearance. Tabak began to follow the websites of Avon and Somerset police and media organisations intently. In the weeks following, Tabak spent hours following the police investigation into the case online and began to search terms such as 'manslaughter' and 'extradition' on the internet. He also told friends the killer must be a 'detached crazy person'. When detectives announced they were looking for the pizza and its box that Yeates had bought that evening and wasn't found, Tabak searched the internet for rubbish collection times. He looked up information on the sentences of murder and manslaughter and researched DNA science and body decomposition. (This was a major sign for police who later found this information on his computer).
For Christmas Tabak and his girlfriend conveniently went to Holland on the 28th of December. Police arrested a 65 year old man in bristol, 2 days later Tabak and his girlfriend contacted the police and said they could have information about him. (As noticed the name and occupation of the man who was arrested has no longer been revealed as in previous months newspapers as he has now been released which could lead the papers to be held as libel if they did publish such details). Detectives travelled to Holland and asked Tabak again about his movements on the night Yeates vanished. It became noticed that he had changed his version of events and a DNA sample was taken from him.He returned to the UK on the 2nd of January and was arrested when forensic tests linked him to the crime.
Lately this story has been trailed in Brighton Crown Court, and has revealed a series of events which are supported by texts messages from Tabak to his girlfriend as well as cctv footage that backs it up. Firstly I think it should be mentioned that Tabak has admitted manslaughter of Joanna Yeates, however still denies murder. When the case was set out it was made clear that Yeates and Tabak didn't know each other, however lived in adjoining ground floor flats in Bristol. It was claimed that Yeates had been settling down for an evening at home when she was "interrupted" by Tabak. He strangled her with enough force to "squeeze the life out of her". The prosecutor said Tabak was a foot taller than Yeates and stronger, adding: "He was in complete control and knew what he was doing." It was also proven that Yeates has reached her flat at around 8:45pm after walking home alone from having drinks at a local pub with some friends where she brought some cider and a pizza to eat when she was home. (This is where the idea of the missing pizza box came from, in which lead Tabak to frantically check the bin collections). Within a few minutes some people going to a nearby party heard screams coming from the flat. These were believed to
be the screams from Yeates as she was attacked by Vincent Tabak.
At 9:25pm- by which time the prosecution says Yeates was dead- Tabak sent a text to his girlfriend, who was on a night out with colleagues. He wrote: 'Missing you loads. It's boring here without you. V xx. (Therefore it raises the concern of weather his girlfriend knew anything about this attack that appeared to be planned?). Tabak after killing Yeates went to Asda with her body in his boot to buy some beer and crisps (was this some kind of sick celebration, as he didn't even appear to be worried or suspicious as shown from the CCTV footage of him in the Asda store). He also text his girlfriend from here 'How are you? I'm at Asda. Was bored. Can't wait to pick you up.' He then tried to throw the body in a quarry (probably before picking up his girlfriend who hadn't realised what her boyfriend was really like), however failed and decided to dump the body and cover it with leaves. Unfortunately fresh snow also fell over night making the body almost impossible to notice.
Yeate's body was eventually found on Christmas Day, where a murder hunt began. (Cant even think of what the family went through finding out such information on a day that is meant to be full of celebrations). The trial remains in court and as CCTV footage was shown of Yeates on the night she was killed, her mother was seen in the public gallery wiping away tears. Lets just hope the family of such a nasty attack get the justice that they deserve. The sentence for murder is life, and as Tabak has pleaded guilty to manslaughter he can face a sentence of up to life imprisonment depending on if he it is found to be intended.
Below is the CCTV footage of Yeates in Asda whilst Yeate's body remains in the boot of his car outside.
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Joanna was an innocent young women, so kind and loved by many. |
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