Wednesday, 23 November 2011

WINOL LIFE review.

This weeks WINOL Life had Lorelei Reddin, the Entertainment Editor for the Daily Echo present to review the work that the feature writers had made. This in itself I thought was a good guest to have in the studio to review feature articles as she has experience with this sort of thing weekly. 

The WINOL LIFE introduction to what is on I thought wasn't up to the standard of the WINOL news programme. This was due to the introduction of each feature being played too fast for the voice over that was explaining it. This meant that whilst the in studio presenter was introducing a certain feature, a different feature was being shown on the screen to the audience. I also thought that the on screen text when Lorelei was being introduced was too big as it covered half of the shot of Lorelei which meant the audience couldn't really see her. I liked the feel to the studio as it appeared to have a  comfy and relaxed atmosphere. I particularly enjoyed the interview with Lorelei at the beginning as she spoke about her job and how she got into journalism. This will be beneficial to WINOL LIFE'S audience who will consist mainly of students wanting to become a journalist. 

Becky and Zoe's Restaurant Review
I thought that the review of Giraffe restaurant appeared professional whilst looking enjoyable. I liked the way that they described its location along with some clips of its outside logo and the bar. This would be helpful for anyone that wanted to go and eat at the restaurant as they can locate it. Whilst watching this I also thought that maybe a map with the location of the restaurant highlighted would be a nice addition to make sure people knew where a bouts this restaurant is. Something I particularly liked was the fact that they reviewed the menu choosing specific offers that would interest the audience. I also liked the way they had the prices and name of the food they were eating on screen so the audience know exactly what its called if they wanted to have it. The close up on the food was also effective as it showed the food clearly. I thought the voice over worked better as you could hear what they were saying easily. However when they did speak from the restaurant I thought this change also worked well but the background noise did make it harder to hear what they were both saying. The dessert looked delicious and Zoe mentioned that she was going to have this however there was no verdict on what she thought of it. 

Overall I thought this restaurant review was good for a first, however there weren't any negatives or downfalls of the restaurant. This was mentioned by Zoe and picked up on by Lorelei who also mentioned the danger of it being too much of an advertisement. I also thought the review appeared to be a bit rushed. This could be changed by having a more detailed review on the food. This review was good for a first time review and would be beneficial to its audience who may want to go and eat there!

I liked the way that WINOL LIFE has feature reviews to cater for both the boys and the girls. Zoe and Becky's restaurant review is aimed more at a female audience, whereas the boys review about the new COD is aimed towards the male audience. I enjoyed the COD review as its feature writers appeared to have a connection that made their review appear humorous. At times it appeared to lose me a bit as it was swapping between games which as a female I couldn't keep up with. It also didn't appear to review much and instead appeared to talk more about the game. I did like the way it showed clips from the games that would engage the audience as they could relate to it themselves (if they have played it.)

Altogether WINOL LIFE is a positive show that follows the conventions of the One Show. It is a more relaxed talk show that engages its audience by having features that will interest its audience and make them want to watch.


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