Marx (class, ideology, economics) we all have an ideal.
Nietzsche (morality, culture) morals keep you quiet, you do what you think.
Weber (power, legitimacy, domination) boredom causes a slow death.
Freud (sexuality, irrationality, sub-conscious) sexual dreams and urges.
'Clouding' of the enlightenment- cultural pessimism (Nietzsche- God is dead the world is full of unimaginable violence.) Marx- Bonapartism stagnation; Weber 'disillusion', especially after World War 2. Freud- depression, 'ordinary miser' psychopathology, repression. Freud also uses the idea of rationalisation where you want to learn so that in the future you can get a job.
Max Weber was after Karl Marx 1848-1871 Paris Commune- no revolution, rise of the German State and social democracy. Copy of German State in England, France, USA ultimately Keynesian's leads to WW1. Germany became a German Empire (Prussia) where there were many countries that spoke German. The Bureaucracy (political democracy based on office workers and the Welfare State (Prussia) had Bureaucratic power of rank and social status.
There was a problem with the militarism the Prussian army were well trained and the military bureaucracy which was similar in the education system where universities were a similar state to the army, well efficient and militarised. There was a rise of the middle class as everyone had bureaucratic jobs and the modern banking system and joint stock companies allowed people to get out a loan and buy shares of ownership for large companies. State intervention in the economy lead to regulation and a demand on management where the 'bourgeoise' values were spread downwards where property ownership was dispersed.
In 1890 Germany welfare state for poor people came about where people had access to free schools, hospitals which is where Weber analysed this 'modern bureaucratic' state. The protestant ethic was where the European specialness vs the arrested development. Non- teleological containing a known process of development where we are going somewhere in the world. Whereas Hegel believes the world is teleological where happiness unfolds. Weber believed the world is random and things just happen.
Weber like Marx is a Kantian- humans can not throw the objects in themselves where there is no absolute reality; we only have a mental picture. The ideal type of social organisation is socialism, nationalism and liberalism. The method in sociological is Kantian which is scientific with a hypothesis and successive approximation truth. There is no absolute knowledge as you weren't there to experience most things so you can be honest and have a reasonable belief (generalised agnosticism). This is an important idea for journalists as we must never believe everything we hear as it isn't always the exact truth of what happened.
The anti political fundamental types of social action used on society are:
1. Instrumental - rational action (social status and security factors) this is where you do something because you believe it will bring some good to you.
2. Value- rational action- it is good to do something, you follow your values.
3. Effectual - emotional affirmation/ dis affirmation you do something because you may like the person.
4. Traditional- (rational inheritance- anticipating) you do something because its what you do.
3 types of domination= authority and legitimacy- State control people by direct force or domination
'all legitimacy contains an element of myth'
Nationalism and the nation person (Hobbes)
Domination - this is the 'right' thing to do
Elections and legitimacy
The types of authority are:
1. Tradition (family) this is the way you have always done something so you continue to do so.
Inheritance- of authority- the way things are done.
Sub categories- Patriarchy
2. Charismatic (powers, religion= charismatic leaders, supernatural powers)
Owning of the nation- leaders like Obama who's followers are like disciples where they benefit from an increase in power- emotional bonds.
3. Legal- rational (bureaucratic) - normality, professionalism 'rule of the law'
the routine is 'normality' such as obeying the law - Greeks law is immortal, rulers still have to obey the same laws as everyone else. Justice is seen as not metaphysical.
What is wrong with the bureaucratic state?- cultural exhaustion
- rationalism of the religion, analysing it socially and psychologically. No bureaucratic would authorise the health and safety or the green insulation. Rebellion is institutionalised and above all the individual is destroyed and the central principle of both the renaissance and the enlightenment is repudiated. In the modern world no one can live outside of the state and we have lost the sense of creativity as we no longer have a Shakespeare. There is a sense of de-skilling rationalisation of the production line, there will be no one that can build the Winchester cathedral by hand anymore.
Nietzsche (morality, culture) morals keep you quiet, you do what you think.
Weber (power, legitimacy, domination) boredom causes a slow death.
Freud (sexuality, irrationality, sub-conscious) sexual dreams and urges.
'Clouding' of the enlightenment- cultural pessimism (Nietzsche- God is dead the world is full of unimaginable violence.) Marx- Bonapartism stagnation; Weber 'disillusion', especially after World War 2. Freud- depression, 'ordinary miser' psychopathology, repression. Freud also uses the idea of rationalisation where you want to learn so that in the future you can get a job.
Max Weber was after Karl Marx 1848-1871 Paris Commune- no revolution, rise of the German State and social democracy. Copy of German State in England, France, USA ultimately Keynesian's leads to WW1. Germany became a German Empire (Prussia) where there were many countries that spoke German. The Bureaucracy (political democracy based on office workers and the Welfare State (Prussia) had Bureaucratic power of rank and social status.
There was a problem with the militarism the Prussian army were well trained and the military bureaucracy which was similar in the education system where universities were a similar state to the army, well efficient and militarised. There was a rise of the middle class as everyone had bureaucratic jobs and the modern banking system and joint stock companies allowed people to get out a loan and buy shares of ownership for large companies. State intervention in the economy lead to regulation and a demand on management where the 'bourgeoise' values were spread downwards where property ownership was dispersed.
In 1890 Germany welfare state for poor people came about where people had access to free schools, hospitals which is where Weber analysed this 'modern bureaucratic' state. The protestant ethic was where the European specialness vs the arrested development. Non- teleological containing a known process of development where we are going somewhere in the world. Whereas Hegel believes the world is teleological where happiness unfolds. Weber believed the world is random and things just happen.
Weber like Marx is a Kantian- humans can not throw the objects in themselves where there is no absolute reality; we only have a mental picture. The ideal type of social organisation is socialism, nationalism and liberalism. The method in sociological is Kantian which is scientific with a hypothesis and successive approximation truth. There is no absolute knowledge as you weren't there to experience most things so you can be honest and have a reasonable belief (generalised agnosticism). This is an important idea for journalists as we must never believe everything we hear as it isn't always the exact truth of what happened.
The anti political fundamental types of social action used on society are:
1. Instrumental - rational action (social status and security factors) this is where you do something because you believe it will bring some good to you.
2. Value- rational action- it is good to do something, you follow your values.
3. Effectual - emotional affirmation/ dis affirmation you do something because you may like the person.
4. Traditional- (rational inheritance- anticipating) you do something because its what you do.
3 types of domination= authority and legitimacy- State control people by direct force or domination
'all legitimacy contains an element of myth'
Nationalism and the nation person (Hobbes)
Domination - this is the 'right' thing to do
Elections and legitimacy
The types of authority are:
1. Tradition (family) this is the way you have always done something so you continue to do so.
Inheritance- of authority- the way things are done.
Sub categories- Patriarchy
2. Charismatic (powers, religion= charismatic leaders, supernatural powers)
Owning of the nation- leaders like Obama who's followers are like disciples where they benefit from an increase in power- emotional bonds.
3. Legal- rational (bureaucratic) - normality, professionalism 'rule of the law'
the routine is 'normality' such as obeying the law - Greeks law is immortal, rulers still have to obey the same laws as everyone else. Justice is seen as not metaphysical.
What is wrong with the bureaucratic state?- cultural exhaustion
- rationalism of the religion, analysing it socially and psychologically. No bureaucratic would authorise the health and safety or the green insulation. Rebellion is institutionalised and above all the individual is destroyed and the central principle of both the renaissance and the enlightenment is repudiated. In the modern world no one can live outside of the state and we have lost the sense of creativity as we no longer have a Shakespeare. There is a sense of de-skilling rationalisation of the production line, there will be no one that can build the Winchester cathedral by hand anymore.
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