Thursday, 29 March 2012

Schopenhauer, Kant and Nietzsche

Schopenhauer was part of the generals school of German idealism in the 19th century contemporary with Hegel who he disliked. His position was immaterialism apparent world does not exist independently of perception which follows a similar idea to Kant. Kant said that you deduce by reason that there is a necessary pre- existent formless 'something' which is a necessary condition of the existence of anything at all.

Kant's idea of dual nature of objects was that their formless, potential or 'noumena' nature perceived when they are 'things in themselves' and their own phenomenal 'things are perceived as nature when they are objects of contemplation.' The only difference is that Kant believed each object with its own noumena and phenomenal nature. Whereas Schopenhauer believed there is only one undifferentiated 'thing in itself' this is existence as a thing in itself which he describes by the term will. This has the same meaning as Nietzsche which is the will power or the will to be (will to live).

1848- Failed liberal national revolution - democratic liberal people
1871- Victory of Prussia - completely destroys Austria by force which gains German speaking countries.
1872- Bureaucratic concept- Germanisation 1872
Kant argued understanding of the world must come to us through our senses and put together by our minds. Schopenhauer thought knowledge of this from inside might provide us with the key.

Nietzsche  believed that 'god is dead' and that violence would end humanity which he says must be overcome. He believes the future is full of violence and he was anti-christian / human believing that humanity is a passing phase. Nietzsche and Wagner came around the time after Darwin which was before discoveries of the 20th century where things such as the universe expands were found.

Nietzsche said you can separate people into free people who state into the obis who have a slave mentality who are known as the Ubermensch and are people that have no fear. The other group of people are like slaves and live forever in fear. Nietzsche first book 'The birth of tragedy' was re named as 'Pessimism and Hellinism' and talks about Greek political organisation. 

Beethoven was a man of renaissance, enlightenment was heading towards socialism. Nietzsche believed that art and music can perform the same function as religion as it can express the nature of humanity.

Schopenhauer knew a lot about Hinduism (Brahma and Maya) and he knew a lot more about it than Christianity. He was bitter towards the Jewish society whereas Nietzsche hated Christianity as he believed it was a vile conspiracy against society. Anti- Semites were against Jews as well but were not racial. 

Life is pain- the cause of pain is desire- achieve denial of the will is intoxication- the best type of this is music. If you are moral you can overcome your desires and get them out which ensures you won't worry about things. Nietzsche doesn't believe in Schopenhauer and he says that he is nearly as bad as a Christian. He says you should follow your desire and become yourself as then when you die you won't regret anything. The ubermensch never apologise and have no regrets. Nietzsche hates Socrates as he believes he started the decline of the West via analysis and mathematics. 

Apollo and Dionysus were pre Socrates Greek Gods of the night time/ moon. It is believed the universe is female. This is known as the Will, the male brings life into the darkness and knowing of the joy is male which is seen as representation.


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