Monday 28 January 2013

Existentialism-Husser and Hiedegger

Existentialism- 'existence precedes essence'- Jean Paul Sartre believed that being is nothingness and rejected Descartes and his theory 'I think, therefore I am' idea. It was said that this would be reduced to simply 'there are thoughts'.

This period begins with Kant (Critique of Pure Reason) where 'existence is not a predicate but the 'result' the 'end' or 'purpose' of consciousness (or being). It was also a necessary pre-condition of consciousness that must exist to be able to think. Descartes and Plato said that consciousness 'just is' not a result of anything or cause of anything in particular. At this period of time the Cartesian Dualism was rejected as it was thought that there is no need to prove that you exist. You could see everyone as a composite with the illusion that it wouldn't be you if you were just on your own. You would soon become insane in minutes if you were unable to verify things with other people and were just alone. There is a thing called thinking and it doesn't matter where thinking comes from and this is all they are prepared to say.

The opposite of consciousness is unconsciousness which is a mind without properties. The stupid question is how can there not be consciousness. Similarly the opposite of something is nothing where you cant stand outside of consciousness. You can measure the 'texture' of consciousness which is viewed as a subject and not a object because its participating. As proven by Freud and psychoanalysis the ego cannot be found anywhere it is the core of someones personality. It is like saying there is 'no ghost in the machine' cartesian ego where all you experience in life is actually a dream. Here there is a category error as a dream is a sub-consciousness superstitious to see various levels of the consciousness e.g. sleeping or at one of the many different brain states. The alpha state is when we wake up and are unable to determine whether you are awake or asleep. Descartes is rejected as he said it is not just dreaming but being awake that has many different consciousness levels. He is superstitious and thinks dreams are a different state of awareness.

Husserl was Jewish and his main book was 'Logical Investigations' he was the founder of modern phenomenology. He used 'psychology from an empirical standpoint' a foundation text of modern phenomenology attempt to mystify psychology. He decided you needed to measure peoples skulls and was taken seriously with this idea by the Nazis. The study of immediate data (items) of consciousness is where each one is in isolation without reference to the context.

Or the metaphysical view which is the soul, essence or the existence that precedes the essence. Psychology before Husserl was dominated by the metaphysical view that essence is embodied inside the body, the geist is the ghost in the soul. Husserl tried to reverse this with the phenomena being simply as it is presented.  You see the objects as they are with no reference to the person where each item is independently a thing in itself with no reference to context or meaning. Hallucination is just as valid as something based on as real object and there is no difference if the table is there or a hallucination there is a phenomena and this is irrelevant.

His main book was 'Being and Time' written in 1927 and was the master works of European culture. In his book it claims the end of metaphysics. Plato said to Husserl that all books needed to be burnt including this one as they are full of rubbish and nonsense. The change began in 1970s with Kant and the French Revolution. Socrates said that asking an endless amount of questions gets you no where. He was obsessed with Kant and destroying metaphysics in the 'Critique of pure reason'. 

The French Revolution was used in democracy creating cities to an aristocratical idea. It was decided that we needed to get back to the ancient Greece times where people lived on farms. There was hatred towards the mass civilisation cities and transport. He believed that Hitler didn't go far enough and needed to knock things down. During the metaphysical age the objects exist independently from mind they 'subsist' with the role of the mind being to understand the structure of reality as a kind of mirror. The objects are in the mind whether it is a hallucination or not. Before Husserl people believed objects were really there and found the nature of an object.

The mission of philosophy was to establish 'reality' of existence of the ego as an object within an external world describing the nature of reality (science). The primary idea in the metaphysical age is to make thoughts correspond with an underlying or hidden substrata of independently subsisting reality (Descartes 'God' and Schopenhauer's 'will'). The thought corresponds with reality (true statements) that are even subjective aesthetic intuitions. The correspondence theory of truth whereby truth is a matter of matching the mind with the independent reality. Nietzsche was rejected as it was seen that he didn't quite get to the same level as others.

The truth agreement of knowledge with objects are that objects are external and prior to the mind (Aristotle) or can be mind dependant (Kant) but also exist either way according to metaphysicians even Kant. Kant't project was not rejection of metaphysics but its re-foundation on the basis of active mind by use of noumena (as a thing in itself) and phenomena (how we perceive an object). The dual nature objects of perception. The Vienna Circle assumed that the world is a priori measuring phenomena. They were basically measuring the data of their own consciousness. 

Husserl say that we don't need noumena and we should just keep phenomena hence phenomenology. Kant is refuted and so is Schopenhauer as there is no 'will' only 'representation' as mentioned in Schopenhauer's book 'The world as will and representation'. 

After Heidegger there was no absolute or highest truth (reformation of anthology as subjective being). The 'convenient truth' are the most important as you need them in life and are reliable. The only subjective are the 'weak truths' and the 'practical truths' which are necessary to being. Being is always concrete and specific for Heidegger, 'being in the world', 'being there' are examples.

Dasein is relative to the point of view of perceives and either entirely ungrounded (way of being- Dasein) or entirely grounded in your mood which is seen as something physical in a metaphysical state. Heidegger says that mood is you at that moment in time and emotion was seen as an imperfection in perfection. Metaphysics said that emotion is being and authentic and are reliable, Heidegger said that emotion is a sign of intelligence and not stupidity.

Truth is no longer a matter of matching thought to reality but making reality. Heidegger's project was to clear away all philosophical terminology and throw away philosophical concepts and systems since Socrates. He wanted to liberate himself from constraints of objectification and metaphysics. The authentic life is the real deal with no lies living the Nazi way in the countryside eating natural organic food having babies and having strength through joy relating to the common Nazi term 'you are what you eat'.

Like Nietzsche, Heidegger believed Socrates corrupted western civilisation. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle are a detour of corruption and the invention of philosophical systems founded on basic error of postulating a priori. The external world of objects existing in abstract extended cartesian space, time were wasted years where we needed to get back to enjoying things. He wrote in plain technical language in a vocabulary on his own. Heidegger invented original set of terms in order to speculate about the exterior world. Language was used by George Orwell and Wittgenstein to said that it was needed to invent a new language.

A Dasein is 'being there' being not. Like Husserl/ Heidegger he was not interested in consciousness. Being was not an abstract it was more of an idea being in particular time/place and being engages practical task, this is our Dasein. We are just thrown into things such as lectures etc and freedom for Heidegger is a complete absorption in a task which makes everything in existence goes away. If you are fully engaged in a task you no longer exist.

Boredom is a 'problem of being' whereas Dasein is the opposite to this. Existence (boredom) requires time. Boredom a problem of being. Without time there would be no boredom. The infinite time is infinite boredom where a perception of 'lack of time' creates a sense of urgency and forces choice of Dasein.

Dasein is non reflective, unthinking, instinctive like a roller coaster ride of sensation and engagement in the moment. Dasein is not thinking but 'caring' making judgements, choices, decisions where there are ways of coping with being. At the start of life there is 'throwness' where you are thrown into a time period. 'Facticity' aspects are phenomena and are things that cant change such as being male or female.

Part 1 of the book is 'being and time' which is the boundary of Dasein (time boundary for problem of being). There is an element of being but not a thing in itself. Kant discovered the problem of linear time and Einstein the mutability of time as in space time. Humans who act as 'being for' (something or someone) else live an alienated life, whereas being for others is fitting in. 

There are 3 aspects of time Heidegger shares from Kant mutability of time whereas Kant thought there were 12 different types of time.

1. Attunement - 'mood' is outside of Daesin and is normally made of attunement and the past. You think guiltily about the past and things you may not have done. You reflect on the past which they believe to be bad as they think you must move on and leave the past behind.

2. 'Being for itself' or 'being there' are the present mode of Daesin.

3. Directedness is the reflection on the future and produces your 'mood' of 'dread'. It is the fear of the future and something that happens outside of life. It should not be ignored but you should concentrate on the present and your Daesin. 

Rector of Freiburg uni in the 1930s and was a dedicated member of the Nazi party. He sanctioned many books and said that they needed to be burnt. The removal of Jews from uni including Husserl who was his teacher was his idea but post war never recanted his Nazi'sim and he was banned from teaching. He was not read until the 1960s and was popularised by the french follower Sartre. Sartre was into being and nothingness and wanted to remove the boundary of space and time from being in the same structure as Heidegger. 


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