Friday, 9 May 2014

Maya Oakley- Fashion Stylist Interview

                   Maya Oakley- Fashion Stylist

Maya Oakley is a popular freelance fashion stylist who sources the clothes and styles the models/celebrities for photo-shoots. She has worked for big magazines such as Marie Claire, Red and Cosmopolitan. She frequently styles models for Grazia’s advertorial section that is funded by commercial clients but needs to feel like editorial content. She usually chooses the products to shoot and has input on the style and concept for the shoot. Maya also used to be contributing editor at the Daily Mail and has styled celebrities such as Mylene Klass, Kate Garaway and Lorraine Kelly. She has also styled some Premiership footballers for Adidas campaigns. 

Maya Oakley
‘It’s important to understand the clients brand identity and to keep the end result in line with the editorial voice of the company you are working for.’

Maya started off studying Media and Communications at Brighton University where she graduated with a first degree. She also completed lots of work experience at a variety of magazines during the University holidays. Her first job once she graduated was at Habitat magazine as their press officer, which she managed to secure due to a contact from her work experience.

'I don’t think having a degree is essential. It is the experience and contacts you make along the way that makes the difference. Having the ability to get along with anyone is an essential skill to have! If people enjoy the day and have fun working with you they are more likely to book you again.'

   ‘Don’t take yourself too seriously, we're not heart surgeons after all

‘I think work experience, whether it is freelance or at a company is good, as a lot of graduates think they know everything and I learn something new on every job and I’ve been doing it for 15 years!’

She built up lots of contacts with other magazines whilst working at Habitat and was offered a job as an Editors PA for ‘Woman’s Journal’. When you start on a magazine the main role is usually to co-ordinate sample call-ins and returns so most interns will be in a fashion cupboard sending back clothes. However this wasn’t the case for Maya as she was given the opportunity to style some fashion pages.

Maya realised this is what she enjoyed doing most and decided to go freelance. This was a good decision as she has children and the commitment when working for a magazine company is high.

‘The benefits of being a freelance journalist are that you work for yourself so you can take time off and manage your own diary. I can also take time off during the school holidays so that I can spend time with my children. My partner is a photographer which is a bonus as he understands the industry and that shoots can finish late!’

Maya has an agent to represent her and organises meetings with clients and photographers who are interested in working with her. Over the years she has built up a good range of clients to help her in the industry.

Styling for River Island
Photography Helen McCardle
It is important to remember that images can become dated very quickly and stylists need to continuously update their work. Maya reads lots of fashion magazines to see what styles are currently in trend. She also keeps up to date with what is on the catwalk so she has an idea of the trends that will be coming in each season. She has a large audience of followers on social media where she also gains ideas for fashion pieces. Plus she is always at the shops and enjoys people watching to see how the public put their looks together.

                 This is an industry where you are only as good as your last photo shoot
When Maya needs models she sends a brief to the relevant agencies. They then send a list of girls that are available for the stylist to cast in order to select the best one. ‘It is important that you choose a model who is perfect for the style of the clothing and shoot intended.’

If a shoot is editorial it has a PR clothing credit so companies can loan the clothes from their seasonal look for the stylist to select from. They can also select clothing from the companies style books or do a showroom appointment where they can select pieces they like.

‘It is vital to build relationships with the PR’s as they are bombarded with requests from lots of stylists.’

The better the publication, the better the range of brands that will loan. If the job is for advertising, there is a clothing budget where you would buy ‘wardrobe wear’. If you work with a company like Debenhams, Next and Marks and Spencer they supply clothes for the stylist to put together. Maya particularly likes Zara as they have a really good range of current trends. She also likes Whistles and the online website, Asos as they always have a version of what you are looking for.

Styling for John Lewis in Grazia magazine
Photography Jonny Storey

‘I am a huge fan of the high street. A few designer pieces such as a good bag or coat will lift an outfit but if you are confident you can wear very simple things and look stylish. Many stylists wear jeans and trainers as we're often on our hands and knees pinning clothes or doing up models shoes.'

    ‘If you turned up on a shoot in heels it would give you away as an amateur! 

It appears that being a stylist can be stressful and involves long hours for preparation. Maya has an interest in holistic health and has a diploma in herbal medicine which she enjoys outside her working life. She also likes to go to Yoga a couple of times a week. This helps her remain calm as she is constantly thrown into new situations each day.

‘I think when you work in the image industry, which can be quite frivolous and fun and at times very stressful, it is nice to have a meaningful hobby and something else to concentrate on.’

Maya has been very lucky in her stylist job as it has taken her all around the world. In the last six months she has been to LA, Cape Town, New York and Barcelona. She also enjoys other perks of the job such as discounts in shops and gaining freebies.

Styling for Grazia magazine
Photography Dan Smith 
‘I definitely didn’t dream of becoming a stylist but fell into it and love the variety it offers. Every project/shoot is different and you meet so many people! You never know who you might meet next and where it will lead you. I always wanted to be a children’s book illustrator, so a creative field was definitely on the cards.’

Maya’s advice to upcoming journalists in the fashion industry is to: 
‘Try as many different things as possible, be prepared to work very hard and get a foot in the door. Don’t think you will get your dream job straight away, there may be an indirect route to get you there. Assist lots of people and make as many connections as you can as these will bring many opportunities your way. I think social media is important and many employers/ brands respond to it, but remember once its posted it’s out there forever and many future employers will Google you! 

      Most importantly believe in what you are doing and other people will believe in you too 

Maya's styling for H&M
Photography Tom Andrew



I was unsure how to layout this feature so used a similar style to Glamour magazine when they interview actors and other stars. I wanted to highlight some of her main quotes and advice as these are the main things to take away from the interview. I really wanted to include the images of some of her styling as they emphasise her potential and made the interview look a lot more interesting. I was able to do this by finding out the photographers names to attribute their work.

I learnt a lot from Maya who is clearly 'up there' in the industry. She was a good person for me to interview as her role is very similar to my directing role for the fashion magazine. She gave me a lot of tips and advice and helped me understand the things that large institutions look for. She gave me a wider understanding of the expectations, hard work and fun that you can have as a stylist and I was very grateful to be able to get an interview with her as I am aware she is very busy at the moment.


styledbyjade said...

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EStylist said...

Maya Oakley’s career journey is both inspiring and insightful! Her advice on the importance of experience, building relationships, and staying updated with trends offers valuable lessons for anyone pursuing a career in fashion styling. I love how she balances creativity with practicality while maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Her success is a testament to the power of hard work, passion, and making meaningful connections in the industry.
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