Friday 3 February 2012

Animal Transplants coming ‘soon’

Are pigs about to migrate from the dinner plate to the operating table? How would you feel about using pig’s organs to save your life?

This has been a recent idea of researchers who say that transplants from animals ‘could soon become reality’. In the UK, there is a demand for organs with more than 8000 people on the waiting list. Around 3 people die each day due to the lack of organ donors in England. This has lead to animals, specifically pigs to be bread as heart valve donors, which can be transplanted successfully into the human body. It may seem cruel to breed pigs for the benefit of us humans, but most of us eat them as part of our Sunday dinner. Why should we let the thousands of organs go to waste when pigs are killed for us already? It has been scientifically proven that most pigs contain insulin that can be used to replace the lost cells. It does seem to be a rather unusual discovery, but if it can help one of our family members to live, then I am sure we would all be grateful for the pig donors to exist.

Why pigs and not primates?
The main issue is that unlike us, pigs can be bread in large quantities that provide more donors to help us quickly. This would shorten the donor waiting list and in theory lengthen people’s lives. It could also be that our brother monkeys are too closely related to us and would pass diseases when an organ is donated. We wouldn’t kill our siblings to steal their organs would we? It is a fact that pigs have similar size organs to us, so it would seem reasonable to use them.

There are still questions as to weather the treatment works successfully and if it is safe for the body. We know the body can reject foreign objects, but there is always the risk of blood clots from the insulin being put into the body. Many animal institutions such as the RSPCA will object to the idea of pigs being born to help us with our problems. Pigs are the creatures that will be suffering as well. Why should we be allowed to kill them for our sake just because we can? Maybe we shouldn’t try and change nature and its ways, we shouldn’t allow a breed of animal to suffer because of us. Instead we should all help each other.

 If there were more of us willing to donate organs to people in vital need, we wouldn’t need to kill innocent animals that cant fight back. Picture the little famous big ‘Babe’ when he first came onto your screens. ‘AWWW isn’t he cute, I want one!’ Well imagine him being killed, his little organs being implanted into you. It would be saving your life, but what about his? Well, he would no longer have one, but you wouldn’t do that if it was a human would you? I’m sure there are other treatments that could help humans, without having to rely on our animal friends. So whilst this treatment is still no longer a procedure. Lets all donate. I’m sure you would be grateful if a human donated to you. But what if it was a pig?


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