Tuesday 27 November 2012

Channel 5 News

Channel 5 news is produced by ITN and is part of the British Broadcaster Channel 5. The bulletin lasts around 20 minutes long and I am going to review today's bulletin at 5:30pm.

I will start with the layout of the studio as personally I don't really like the style of the presenter standing up to read the news behind a small desk with a laptop. I think this looks basic and doesn't really work well with the camera angles whilst she is reading the news. When the camera moves in to a close up of the news presenter it works better as you are unaware that she is standing up. I think this also allows the women presenter to be sexualised as people may look at her rather than concentrate on the news she is reading. A more formal desk which she can sit at to read the news may allow the programme to appear more serious.

However the way she is stood up does work well with the style of this bulletin and is affective when she is talking to a reporter on the screen. This is because it allows the audience to understand that the news reader is interacting with the reporter. I also didn't really like the way the presenter kept on interrupting the reporter. It is good to put them on the spot to try and get a balanced view portrayed however I think she may have interrupted him a little too often which made the story last to long.

Regarding the studio itself I think although it is more female orientated the blue theme is a bit too much. The blue studio as well as the presenter wearing a blue dress takes the focus away from the news. I would say that a blue theme works as it is different and a more relaxed colour like the bulletin itself but maybe not have as much of it. The screen behind the news reader when she is talking could show images that relate to the story so it looks like it is being used and is meant to be there.

 When the reporter is live and interviewing from a scene all you can see is the side of her head. I think this appears to be quite poor as it looks like she shouldn't be in the shot. It would be good to have more of her face in the shot or to not have her at all. It also confused me as both women reporters have a very similar hair style. This may be personal choice or a style the channel has given them but should maybe be reconsidered.

The headlines on its news agenda: Floods, Norovirus, Nadine Dorries, Corrie Funeral and Sports Personality of the year Awards were relevant and contained good  coverage and reporting on the whole. I specifically liked the flood reporting where the man was stranded on the top floor of his house being interviewed as it highlighs the extent of these floods to the audience. The Norovirus story to be seemed to be made a bit dramatic by the non diagetic music played over the top of it. It also contained shots that were repeated which always makes a story appear less serious than it is as there aren't enough images to support it. I would also question the EON story's place in the bulletin as maybe it should have been higher than the virus health story. I would also contemplate moving the Nadine Dorries story to further down in the bulletin.

The bulletin does seem to be more female orientated which i generally do like and contains less 'hard news'. However this is a factor that distinguishes it from other news channels that are all similar. The content of the stories contain soaps with a Corrie funeral, and a little bit of Sport Personality awards. It seems to concentrate on entertainment a lot which I found appealing and is what makes it a different news programme to others as it appeals directly to its audience who like TV.

The ending of the bulletin shows the presenter standing again. It does work at the end however as she has been standing up the whole time I think if comes across as quite awkward. The fact that she is just standing there and pressing buttons on her laptop doesn't look to affective. However if the clip was a little shorter this may look a lot better. I think I like the theme tune for channel 5 as it is less serious and appears to have a 'fun' element about it which relates more to the style of the news bulletin they have.

Overall I think it works as a news programme as it has a different style to others and covers a range of news that isn't the same as BBC and ITV.


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