Monday 7 October 2013

Briefing 7.10.13

Everyone needs to be using their Twitter accounts to promote and advertise their work to the followers. This is a way that we can get our work viewed and noticed by the general public and people interested in our specific topics. I know that my Absolute:ly, fashion team have really worked on this with our Twitter account by changing the main image, following fashion magazines and people who produce their own makeup to try and increase our followers. We have also all made sure that we tweet what work is coming up and let our followers know when we are out doing work etc. The only thing we need to work on further is images and making sure that we all have our own image relating to our work or what we are currently doing.

The WINOL website has been cleared up and is looking a lot more professional and updated. It needs to contain some more images preferably close up or action shots of people doing something which engages the audience. We do not need to illustrate the news through our images although this is ideal for features. The red headline on the front page of the site stands out and draws in the audience especially as it contains the word 'killer' which really draws the reader in. Headlines should always contain the subject, a verb and object. When you have a number below three, it should be spelt out in text stories. Be careful of adding 'comment' into our text stories such as 'finally' in the court story as it can look like the reporter has taken a side on the story. 

In the text stories the first word should always be about a human being. Never start a story with the council, as this is not a person and nobody really cares about the council. It could also be relating to any council from anywhere in the country. In news, you do not need to make an announcement or state what someone does. It is vital that you understand what you are writing as it needs to make sense to everyone. You should decide on what the story is about and what you expect before you go into the interview. You should always get peoples correct title and spelling of their name for text stories as this can be vital especially in the crime reports. Always put their function first and not their name as it explains who they are and what they do for the reader. Sum up peoples jobs if they give you a long fancy name for it as this can be too long when reading the text stories. It is good to get comment in a quote as journalists ourselves cannot comment. 

Sound bites or classic quotes such as 'I wasn't lying I was being economical with the truth' are good but really hard to find. You can question people to try and get them to say what you are after. You need to attack in journalism and not simply announce the stories that you are writing. Reverse quoting and selective quoting isn't allowed however we base it on deciding weather the person would actually complain about what we have written or if they would feel misrepresented. You can suggest to them what they are saying and ask if you can quote them on things that they have said. We do not humiliate people however we can quote them on interesting things they may mention.

As for the news bulletin, it seems to be starting to look old school and outdated however the new equipment to make the bulletin clearer and look 3D has been purchased for the new future. If you struggle with speed when presenting to the camera, you can always add in a walk towards the camera which can look effective but also slows you down. 

Packages should start with the best image and natural sound. Images should resemble what the story is about and should be copied from the way we see news broadcasters produce theirs. You do not need to begin your VT with a piece to camera as this is not really effective. There should not be an obvious change in sound from an interview to a piece to camera. You should never film in front of a window or bad lighting as it puts the person in shadow and look as though you are trying to cover up their identity. There should not be anymore zooms or pans used as they are hard to get another shot in straight after as you have to wait for the pan or zoom to stop. It is rare to see these on the BBC news and other broadcasters as it creates a jump in the sequence. You should always film people and not buildings and signs as these are boring.

Be careful what you are filming in the background e.g. a supermarket or a sign for a company as you do not want them to be negatively associated with your story. You do not need to introduce you interview as this is what the captions are for on screen. A sequence is always an effective way to start a package such as in Ellens' package where she uses footage of the person to explain what she is saying. The shot is close up and tight so the audience have a clear understanding of what is happening. We read left to write so therefore we should always have the interviewee on the right side looking to the left. However if the framing is correct and the rule of thirds is followed, this is not essential.

The Minecraft story is more of a feature however the way it is produced is really interesting and engaging. It contains a lot of comment and has a lot of information describing things even for the target audience who would already know a lot about the game itself. The sound of the game as the natural sound is really effective as well as the images of the computer game on the screen. The sound of the interview however is a little too quiet and has a significant difference in volume from the rest in the package. There was a window that came up whilst the game was playing showing the 'boss' who the interview was going to be with which was rather confusing for the viewers who were unsure weather it was part of the game or not.

Overall a really good start to WINOL this year.

Absolutel;y team have also got off to a great start with many fashion and beauty features being uploaded onto the site already. Each person is producing around two features each a week which is keeping the site really up to date and current. I as the editor have made a decision to get rid of the tabloid 'gossip' section on the site. This was because I didn't feel that it really fitted in with the style of this particular magazine that follows the trend of Glamour and Elle magazine that concentrate more on makeup and fashion. 

We also know the importance of social media and getting our work noticed out there within the public, so we have really pushed our Twitter site by changing the image and following lots of different companies and fashion producers. We also tweet what is coming up in the magazine as well as any relevant things we may be doing to interest the audience and get them to view our work when it is uploaded by providing the followers with a link. This week we are concentrating on making sure that our tweets contain hash tags and pictures to draw people in and reach out to other trending hash tags that may gain us additional followers. In a week our followers have already gone up by at least 20 which is an achievement. 

We have also set up our own email for people in the public to contact us with any product reviews or photo shoots that they may want to give us to put up on the site. This email can also be used for us to be notified about any upcoming fashion events that we may want to attend or use as a feature.


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