Monday 14 October 2013

WINOL- debrief 14/10/13 & FASHION NOTES

Look into the Trade Paper which is a business to business paper that are very successful. We can get involved with the 'Justice Gap' which is slowly starting to become known. We should have one page a week about a news story that is aimed at a professional group such as other journalists.

Access WINOL should consist of around 4 packages a week in a feature WINOL style. The stories will be linked with a presenter and will not be filmed in the studio. When presenting in features we should not be standing still but doing some walking and talking to make it more interesting. It is like a performance and we should be striding at an unnatural pace. Use lots of hand gestures and be enthusiastic when talking to the camera. There should be a simple summary intro, a drop intro can be used in features but not in news stories. However we should not say 'I went to go and see...' as the viewers can already see that. Instead we should use 'lets take a look' as it invites the reader directly.

When talking to the press office we need to say we are from 'Winchester News Online' and not mention the word students. You can always show them the front page of the site if needed as it looks pretty professional. Be ambitious and brave in trying to get what you want. Everything looks good on stage as it is lit up and there is always some action so these are good features to produce.

Always use a voiceover to explain to the audience what is going on in the pictures you are showing. Facts should always be in your voice and opinions should always be in their voice as this way it makes sense.

Quotes should always simplify down to 'it is a nightmare' or 'it is a dream come true'. In an interview time is quality as the quotes get better over time. A good question in a feature interview is 'how does it feel?' Quotes should be an opinion not allowing them to go into facts and detail. 

Pictures always need to be of a good quality. If the images are too dark or are not clear then there is no point in using them as the audience will not know what they are. If you are referring to 'we' and what you did then you need to be visible on the screen doing what you are saying. It doesn't make sense having images of something else when you are saying you have gone somewhere, the viewers want to see it.

In an interview, you need to establish who the person in that is talking and then switch back to pictures. This is because pictures are a lot more interesting to look at especially when they are relating or explaining what the interviewee is saying.

You should introduce people in the voiceover or use a caption on the screen as it doesn't sound professional if you allow them to introduce themselves before the interview begins. 

Headlines need to be in on time on the Wednesday as this reduces the time that can be worked on the bulletin itself. When presenting you need to be more serious than on features try not to smile too much especially when talking about a sex offenders story.

The voiceover on the Police Commissioner story was very calm and clear. It was spoken in a deep voice and engaged the audience into the story. In our scripts we need to make sure we simplify the wording. For example the word 'however' could be said as 'but'. 

The Stoptober story had an interview with a young student that could be accused of scripting the interviewee as they could be a friend. The interview also goes on too long as the person is allowed to explain facts which should be done as a voiceover in the journalists voice. 

We all must remember that it is .. The council HAS decided not HAVE. Eastleigh Borough Council HAS.. The Council IS going to do something.

We need to make sure that our pictures aren't dull as there is no point in having them otherwise. When reading out a written statement it shouldn't be too long. We are not a news site to be used to put out messages for people. Instead you can direct the audience to the website to find out more.

Natural sound should link to the topic of the story e.g: the zebra story should have had some hooves clopping and some zebra sounds instead of some birds tweeting loudly as this can be confusing as to what the story is about. Comment should always be in their voice as we are journalists and should remain impartial. Facts can be in our voices however as they are already proven. We need to make sure we aren't using the same words throughout our piece to describe something e.g. exciting, excited. The zebra piece to camera was very good as it has the zebra in the background which gives the audience something else to look at other than the presenter talking to the camera.

Features- Absoloute:ly Magazine
I have been very happy with the amount of work the fashion team have been producing consistently so far especially compared to some of the other sites that are struggling to get off their feet. The magazine is currently being updated and changed as I would like it to be set more like 'Glamour' magazine.

I am also wanting to attach our Twitter page to the site as this will show tweets of what work is upcoming to the site etc for the audience to preview. I do want the team to continue tweeting about work in progress and try to attach pictures if possible. I am also pushing for the team to take pictures and tweet of anything that relates to hair, fashion or beauty and use hashtags as this will gain us random followers and continue to build our audience further.

If you have found that your images are not being uploaded with the text then please contact Jason as he will sort this for you. Do not give up until your image is up on the site as this is very important for our magazine.

We need to concentrate on getting the competition promoted via our twitter page and also your personal twitter and facebook accounts as we need as many people to enter as possible. Make sure that you post the link to the magazine as well so they know where they need to be looking as well as the image that explains the competition. 'Dr Fashion' and 'Get the look' need to produce a slider each for their weekly work to all go into and be kept together.

We all need to keep emailing for the clothing for the December fashion shoot and also to try and find out if there are any cat walks or fashion shows we can go to and film. These can be college of art student fashion shows especially if they are in London but we need to try and make this happen please. I am happy with all of the work being produced for the magazine and that each category is being kept regularly updated, however we need to start thinking about some bigger fashion pieces as mentioned above to get the site back to moving image again as well as pictures.


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